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Square or rectangular shower enclosure with double-door opening with fixed part

We have significantly expanded our new MELINA LINE series to include a selection of high-quality opening doors, which, thanks to the modern lifting mechanism, provide not only the comfort of a two-sided opening but also wide installation variability and reliable functionality. The series uses 6mm safety glass with an applied RothETC protective layer. All this, and much more, you will find if you choose one of the perfect products in this series.

One of these products is the MI EPF+MI EPF shower enclosure with a double-door opening with a fixed part. The shower enclosure offers you a perfect lifting mechanism with easy access through doors that can be opened on both sides. Precise processing and a great price-quality ratio.

  • Tipuri
    TipNumăr de ordineDimensiune (mm)ProfilDimensiunea de instalare (y)Înălţime (h)SticlaLivrare
    MI EPF/800MI EPF 080200 VPE 800 Brillant 780-830 2023 mm Transparent O
    MI EPF/800MI EPF 080200 NPE 800 Elox negru 780-830 2023 mm Transparent O
    MI EPF/900MI EPF 090200 VPE 900 Brillant 880-930 2023 mm Transparent O
    MI EPF/900MI EPF 090200 NPE 900 Elox negru 880-930 2023 mm Transparent O
    MI EPF/1000MI EPF 100200 VPE 1000 Brillant 980–1030 2023 mm Transparent O
    MI EPF/1000MI EPF 100200 NPE 1000 Elox negru 980–1030 2023 mm Transparent O
    MI EPF/1100MI EPF 110200 VPE 1100 Brillant 1080–1130 2023 mm Transparent O
    MI EPF/1100MI EPF 110200 NPE 1100 Elox negru 1080–1130 2023 mm Transparent O
    MI EPF/1200MI EPF 120200 VPE 1200 Brillant 1180–1230 2023 mm Transparent O
    MI EPF/1200MI EPF 120200 NPE 1200 Elox negru 1180–1230 2023 mm Transparent O

    *h - înălțime, inclusiv elemente de susținere

    S - articole de pe STOC - livrare în cel mai scurt timp posibil
    O - articole la COMANDĂ - timp de livrare până la maxim 14 zile lucrătoare
    Z - articole PERSONALIZATE - timp de livrare până la maxim 30 de zile lucrătoare

    ATENȚIE: Dimensiunile nominale ale cabinelor de duș sunt relevante pentru INSTALARE PE CĂDIȚA DE DUȘ cu aliniere cu marginea cădiței. În cazul instalării pe plăci de gresie, există riscul ca dimensiunile cabinei de duș să fie mai mici decât lățimea plăcilor. Este necesar să urmați tabelele cu dimensiuni din fișierul cu SPECIFICAȚIILE TEHNICE, care se poate descărca de pe pagina produselor.
  • Descarcare

Aluminium profiles in the Brillant or Black elox variant match perfectly with the transparent filling of the safety glasses. The high-quality chrome handle completes the perfect look of the entire MI EPF product.

Shower doors are produced in five standard sizes - from 800 mm to 1200 mm. The exact height including anchoring elements is 2023 mm.

The reliable cam opening system ensures smooth movement of the door with the possibility of opening inward and outward, in addition to the possibility of fixing it in the open position. In addition, the cam system hides a smart solution for excessive construction readiness. By turning the segment, you get an extra 25 mm!


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